The atom is the basic unit of matter, that is, the smallest parcel into which an element can be divided without losing its chemical properties. The word atom comes from the Greek and means "indivisible", which started from the idea that matter could be divided into several pieces, smaller and smaller, until it reached a size that was no longer possible.

Atom tattoos are common among lovers of the scientific world, after all living things are made of a set of atoms in motion. It is a symbol that can represent absolutely everything that exists in nature.

The shape of the atom can be easily recognized and its design can have various compositions, which can be related to science, elements of nature, particular tastes, or even a romantic symbol, representing the chemistry between a couple.


Meaning of Atom Tattoo:

  • Life
  • Science
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Universe
  • Freedom
  • Composition
  • Element
  • Property
  • Indivisible
  • Matter
  • Peculiarity
  • Formulas
  • Tribute
  • Reaction


See some images of tattoos with Atom:

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