Goddess Isis is known as the mistress of magic and queen of all gods, worshipped as protector of nature and women, respected in both Egyptian and Greco-Roman cultures. Her personality is always associated with fertility, motherhood, healing, magic, and family.

Her popularity reached from the lower to the upper classes in different cultures, as her function was to reign over the world of magic, motherhood, femininity, healing, and protection, promoting female empowerment and liberation from the oppressed.

Isis was called the goddess of magic because she gained power over men and gods after discovering the secret name of the God Ra, thus becoming the most influential magician in the universe. She is highly respected and worshipped in the Wicca culture for her great knowledge of magic and healing, as she took care of both body and mind diseases.

Besides being a magician, she was also known as a protector of the dead and a guide for souls to the afterlife. Isis guided and protected people who left earthly life to enter the underworld.

Meaning of the goddess Isis tattoo:

  • Egyptian deity
  • Egypt
  • Fertility
  • Maternity
  • Healing
  • Magic
  • Nature
  • Women
  • Protection
  • Prosperity
  • Abundance
  • Family
  • Spell
  • Soul Guide

See some images of tattoos with the goddess Isis:

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