Nefertiti was born in 1380 BC and her name means "the most beautiful has come". She was an Egyptian queen of the XVIII dynasty who became notable for being the wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep IV, known as Akhenaton, who was responsible for replacing polytheism with monotheism, revering a single god, the sun king Aton. Some historians say that Nefertiti was murdered by some priests who defended polytheism.

The queen is known for being one of the greatest leaders in Egyptian history. Many who tattoo her face seek to pay homage to a powerful woman, the place where she lived or something she represented. She is closely associated with femininity, female power, prosperity, power and devotion.

In 1912, Germans found a sculpture in her homeland that they identified as the "Bust of Nefertiti", a work that became the main aesthetic reference for her beauty. Nefertiti's bust is easily recognized in many tattoos.

 Meaning of Nefertiti tattoo:

  • Femininity
  • Power
  • Female power
  • Beauty
  • Egypt
  • Leadership
  • Prosperity
  • Devotion

Take a look at some images of Nefertiti tattoos:

Famous people with Nefertiti tattoos

  • Rihanna: He has a tattoo of Nefertiti on his ribs.
  • Amira McCarthy
  • Jaylen Barron

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