Pombagira is a spiritual entity from Umbanda and Candomblé, considered a female exu and the messenger between the world of the orixás and Earth. She symbolizes a woman who is free from the submission and behavior imposed on the female gender by a macho and patriarchal society.

In religions of African origin, such as Umbanda and Candomblés, the figure of the pomba gira emerges from Bombogira, a male exu.

In the Afro-Brazilian belief, she has the power to make any love and sexual union happen, working against her enemies and those of her devotees. She considers her friends those who seek her in need and please her, offering as gifts things used in the terreiro, when incorporated: fabrics, champagne, wine, cachaça, mirror, jewelry, lipsticks, animals and dispatches, always lit by red, black or white candles.

Some consider her to be a messenger of the orixás (personified forces of nature), portrayed as a suffering woman who returns to evolve by helping others. She is also considered a spirit linked to lust and pleasures, with the function of helping those who ask her for protection.

 Meaning of Pomba Gira Tattoo:

  • Umbanda
  • Candomblé
  • Messenger
  • Free Woman
  • Protection
  • Lust
  • Pleasures
  • Love Union
  • Chauvinistic society
  • Relationships

See some images of tattoos with Pombagira:

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