O Chinese Imperial Dragon was the emblem of the emperor of China and represented his strength and authority as mediator between Heaven and Earth. Various types of dragons have different meanings, they can be symbols of rain, fertility, masculine energy, and happiness, the turquoise dragon was officially adopted during the Han dynasty (206-220 BC) as the main representation of the emperor.
The ?dragon's face? was the face of the emperor, the ?dragon's pearl? was the perfection of the emperor's thoughts and commands.

The Chinese imperial dragon's main difference from other dragons was its paws with five claws (instead of four, like most), perhaps derived from the King Dragon's ability to assign commands by moving in all four directions at once, while remaining in the center (the fifth direction).

The Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac

The dragon is also the fifth creature in Chinese Zodiac and represents the Yang (Learn the meaning of Yin Yang tattoos)
People born in the year of dragon tend to be successful and headstrong.

In some ancient Chinese books it is possible to designate that each part of the dragon is derived from another animal, such as:

  • Head: Camel
  • Scales: Carp
  • Antlers: Deer
  • Eyes: Hare/Red
  • Ears: Taurus
  • Neck: Snake
  • Paws: Tiger
  • Claws: Eagle

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