The Pokémon animated series has become part of today's culture. With a huge fan base it has become very...
In Japanese pop culture, the term kawaii is used to describe things that are cute, adorable, kind, and sweet. The word is...
The crane is a migratory bird, which usually has white feathers, a black tail, and a red crown on its head. O...
Even though they are not at all conventional, alien tattoos are very popular among space enthusiasts, mystery buffs, and fans of...
Since ancient times, the boat has been a very important tool for all peoples, whether fishing or exploring...
The meaning of cockerel and chicken tattoos usually have to do with the behavior and personality of these animals. One of the...
Considered one of the oldest symbols in the world, the labyrinth is much more than a physical and complex puzzle, which...
The name chameleon comes from Greek and means "lion of the earth": chamai (on the earth, on the ground) and leon (lion). It does...
The mirror of Venus (?) and the shield of Mars (?) were symbols created by alchemy in connection with mythological gods....
The Crucifix, also called the Episcopal Cross, is the Cross of Christ, the Cross of the Crucifixion. It is one of the most...