The film "Dune", directed by Denis Villeneuve, won six statuettes on March 24 at the 94th Academy Awards. This big hit is an adaptation of the science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert in 1965 and features performances by Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya.
"Dune" was awarded in the categories of Best Editing, Best Original Soundtrack, Best Sound, Best Art Direction, Best Visual Effects and Best Cinematography. Director of photography Greig Fraser, 46, also received recognition at the British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA). Fraser has worked on prominent productions such as "Zero Dark Thirty" (2012), "Lion" (2016), "Rogue One" (2016) and "Vice" (2018), as well as contributing to the series "The Mandalorian".
The work is a milestone in contemporary cinema, bringing a rich and visually impressive narrative. The combination of skillful direction, powerful performances and carefully crafted aesthetics has made "Dune" one of the most talked about and acclaimed films of the season.