Meaning of Weapons Tattoo

Gun Tattoos can have many different meanings. Many books and sites exemplify the meaning of guns in tattoos when done in jails as a representation of armed robbery.

But in a broader sense, gun tattoos can represent sport or hobby, such as hunters, shooting, etc.

And the vast majority of gun tattoos have a meaning of strength, power, and/or safety for many people. Even though it is more popular on men, many women use gun tattoos as a demonstration of the strong nature of their personalities.

Some gun tattoos show the gun being fired, going through the tattooed person's skin. In other cases we can see the most varied examples: flowers growing from the barrel of the gun, which can represent peace, or show the contrast between the beauty of life and the harsh reality of death.

Another very common example to be tattooed are the tattoos with 2 guns and roses, representing the logo of the rock band Gun's Roses.

Less common are examples of gun tattoos with people along with them, which could be gangsters, hunters, or even Victorian ladies polishing their pistols.

Photo Gallery of Gun Tattoos
