Joshua Hoffine's photographs can be considered as a real-life depiction of horror storiesbringing to life several tales and characters that have haunted us for centuries.

Babysitter - Real Horror Stories - Photography

Joshua is internationally recognized as one of the pioneers in horror photography, having started with this style of photography around 2003 and becoming popular online in mid 2008, where Joshua created a series exploring the nature of children's fears. He is also extremely recognized for his meticulousness and care with make-up, accessories, and setting of the photos so that they look like movie sets.

Babysitter - Real Horror Stories - Photography

"My role as a horror photographer is to show what you don't want to see.
I believe that every horror story is haunted with the eminence and randomness of death and the implication that there is no certainty in our existence. The experience of horror lies in this confrontation with uncertainty. It shows us that our belief in safety is illusory and that monsters are all around us."

Babysitter - Real Horror Stories - Photography

Joshua also has several well-known clients, such as Sony, Busch Gardens, and the Paris National Opera.

Horror photos by Joshua Hoffine

Check out our gallery of selected photos, and visit his official website to see more.

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