The expression "Carpe Diem" comes from the Latin and means "seize the day". This translation is not about a specific day, but about making the most of the moment and appreciating the present.

?Carpe Diem? was written by the Roman poet Horace, in the book ?Odes?, in which he advises his friend with the phrase ?carpe diem, quam minimum credula póstero?, which translates as ?enjoy today and trust tomorrow as little as possible?

The term has become a symbol of life, which is unexpected and can be brief, and for this reason should be enjoyed intensely at all times. The author believes that we shouldn't think too much about what the future holds, since we have no control over time and even less over death. Following this line of thought, the uncertainty of life and the future cannot be used as an excuse not to make the most of the present.

 Meaning of ?Carpe Diem? tattoo:

  • Seize the day
  • Seize the Day
  • Making the most of it
  • Seize the Now
  • Appreciating the Present
  • Live intensely
  • Time
  • Uncertainty
  • Uncertain future
  • The brevity of life

Take a look at some images of ?Carpe Diem? tattoos:

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