The Fibonacci Sequence was discovered by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo Pisa or Leonardo Bigollo. The sequence consists of an infinite succession of numbers that obey a pattern in which each subsequent element is the sum of the previous two.

The discovery was made by the mathematician from an experiment observing the growth of a family of rabbits. Over years of study, it was possible to see that the sequence is linked to other diverse phenomena in nature, such as

The Fibonacci sequence also forms the "golden ratio", or golden number, which is widely used in works of art, architecture and design, since it is a ratio that pleases the human eye. A very famous work inspired by this proportion was Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man", which depicts the figure of a perfect human body.

 Meaning of Fibonacci Tattoo:

  • Math
  • Experience
  • Sequence
  • Perfection
  • Proportion
  • Rule of thumb
  • Golden ratio
  • Arts
  • Architecture
  • Nature

Here are some images of Fibonacci tattoos:

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